Friday, May 8, 2009

311 today!!!!!!!!!!


today is 311!!!!!!!! i'm so happy/excited/pee my pants.

i have LOVED this band since i was like 13! never seen him and today i get to today!!! YAYYYY!Y!!!

&& i get to see theory of a deadman today again too! so happy!

today will be a good day...except for me having to wake up at 530 :( had to switch shifts with jobina so i could be off tonight. 7-2 ew.

i'm good though! listening to my reggae/funk radio and i'm relaxin man.

:) tonight will be epic. you better believe i'm going to post pictures.

i mean hello?!?!?!? who wouldn't if you got to see nick hexum in all his beautiful glory. the man is gorgeous.

oh & tyler connoley isn't too bad himself....