Saturday, May 23, 2009

i <3 nola

i'm sorry i've abandoned you blog.

So. lets see...interesting stuff that's happened lately....

Jessica Ivey and I went to New Orleans last weekend just because. Don't you just love those trips? i do. well anyway.....

We decided we wanted to stay in a hotel that had some background to it....why not stay in the most haunted one in New Orleans? OKAY!! psh. Well we did. The Hotel Provincial. It was so gorgeous. It gave you a feel of old new orleans. When i did some research on it i found out it was actually a confederate hospital during the Civil War. I didn't think THAT much of it, but when i started reading the stories and accounts that poeople have had then i started to freak out more. Everything i read about it said to stay in building #5 cause it's the most haunted. So of course we did. When we got into our building my head began to hurt unbelievable. My head hardly NEVER hurts.......So that was weird. Jessica takes a few pictures of our room and we get ready to hit the town. haha. So we go walking along decatur and we decide to take a carriage ride. i've always wanted to do that and it was great. I got to see the actual house that the song "house of the rising sun" is about. It's orange. haha. We walked into some info place and started talking to the guy at the counter who turned out to be Mike Williams brother. Mike Williams is in the band Arson Anthem/Eyehategod. Was awesome.... Later that night we decide to go on a Vampire Tour. It was SO amazing! i don't feel like typing in all the stories so heres a link if you wanna read about all the stuff the guy showed us.

We also saw the house thats in Interview with a Vampire. (where Claudia is playing piano for the family) So we get into our beds and i insist on leaving the TV on because there was NO WAY i was going to be able to sleep if it wasn't on. I kept waking up with horrible dreams about graveyards and stuff (probably because of the vampire tour) but everytime i woke up the tv wasn't on and remote was on the table.... freaking wierd if you ask me. of course i freak out. i go to put my feet deeper into the covers and something grabs my feet i swear to you...noone believes me though. well i can't sleep so i start playing on my phone until i hear the hustle and bustle of the cars and people outside and see a little light outside. I then think its safe to go to sleep and i do. I slept really good too. It was like another force took over and let me be safe or something. haha i'm so gay but anyway. That morning we got up and walked on Decatur and went to Cafe Du Monde. yummmmm i love beinets! they're so good. We went to the St. Louis Cathedral too. It was beautiful inside. We got holy water! After that we checked out of our room and left our hotel. We decided to go visit a cemetery...we wanted to visit the oldest one, St. Louis #1 but we eneded up in #3. haha anyway. on the way back i'm looking at all the pictures jess took and in all of the ones of our room...there is the blueish orb in almost all the pictures.