Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Hate Forks.

Did I ever tell anyone that I hate forks?! I really do. I can't stand them. They can hurt you! Seriosly what are they good for though? Yes, to stab the meat to cut.....twirl your spaghetti your salad...but what else? Do you honestly LIKE eating macaroni with a fork? Peas? You go to pick something up with a fork and by the time you bring it up to your mouth you're left with just a little bit... Yes I eat mostly everything with a spoon. Spoons are amazing. They scoop up stuff. Their awesome. ...

This has been a weird entry but I thought you guys should know how much I hate forks.

the crypt keeper.

So, I was driving to work the other day and I always pass by our local cemetery. (one of the many) I noticed that they have a few different styles of burial on display as you're driving in. One of the displays was this....

Well it wasn't this actually but they had one of these just on the curb with a price by it. Is it weird that I want to be buried in an above ground tomb?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

i <3 nola

i'm sorry i've abandoned you blog.

So. lets see...interesting stuff that's happened lately....

Jessica Ivey and I went to New Orleans last weekend just because. Don't you just love those trips? i do. well anyway.....

We decided we wanted to stay in a hotel that had some background to it....why not stay in the most haunted one in New Orleans? OKAY!! psh. Well we did. The Hotel Provincial. It was so gorgeous. It gave you a feel of old new orleans. When i did some research on it i found out it was actually a confederate hospital during the Civil War. I didn't think THAT much of it, but when i started reading the stories and accounts that poeople have had then i started to freak out more. Everything i read about it said to stay in building #5 cause it's the most haunted. So of course we did. When we got into our building my head began to hurt unbelievable. My head hardly NEVER hurts.......So that was weird. Jessica takes a few pictures of our room and we get ready to hit the town. haha. So we go walking along decatur and we decide to take a carriage ride. i've always wanted to do that and it was great. I got to see the actual house that the song "house of the rising sun" is about. It's orange. haha. We walked into some info place and started talking to the guy at the counter who turned out to be Mike Williams brother. Mike Williams is in the band Arson Anthem/Eyehategod. Was awesome.... Later that night we decide to go on a Vampire Tour. It was SO amazing! i don't feel like typing in all the stories so heres a link if you wanna read about all the stuff the guy showed us.

We also saw the house thats in Interview with a Vampire. (where Claudia is playing piano for the family) So we get into our beds and i insist on leaving the TV on because there was NO WAY i was going to be able to sleep if it wasn't on. I kept waking up with horrible dreams about graveyards and stuff (probably because of the vampire tour) but everytime i woke up the tv wasn't on and remote was on the table.... freaking wierd if you ask me. of course i freak out. i go to put my feet deeper into the covers and something grabs my feet i swear to you...noone believes me though. well i can't sleep so i start playing on my phone until i hear the hustle and bustle of the cars and people outside and see a little light outside. I then think its safe to go to sleep and i do. I slept really good too. It was like another force took over and let me be safe or something. haha i'm so gay but anyway. That morning we got up and walked on Decatur and went to Cafe Du Monde. yummmmm i love beinets! they're so good. We went to the St. Louis Cathedral too. It was beautiful inside. We got holy water! After that we checked out of our room and left our hotel. We decided to go visit a cemetery...we wanted to visit the oldest one, St. Louis #1 but we eneded up in #3. haha anyway. on the way back i'm looking at all the pictures jess took and in all of the ones of our room...there is the blueish orb in almost all the pictures.


to be continued.

Chapter 1: Unexpected Force.

Bella sat on the top step of her porch, leaned against the column and sighed, closing her eyes. She hadn’t seen Edward in days, or better still, he had only managed to call her twice, and talk for a grand total of ten minutes. She didn’t know what his problem was, but she wished to hell he would clue her in, because frankly she was getting rather irritated.“Screw this.” She muttered under her breath.“If he can have a life, so can I. I am NOT going to sit around here and do nothing while waiting on him.” She continued speaking, only to herself, as she got up, walked inside, and grabbed the phone.She could have dialed the number with her eyes closed, but didn’t need to, since Charlie had Billy on speed dial.She simply pressed one, and waited for the line to connect.Several rings later, she gave up, frustrated.She grabbed her keys off the counter and then thought enough to scribble a note to Charlie before heading out:
Dad,Gone to La Push to hang out with Jake. There is stuff in the fridge to make sandwiches, be back later,Love you,Bells.
Grabbing her jacket, she left the house, locking up securely behind her and reached the solace of her truck. She knew once she heard the god awful roar of the engine, her spirits would perk up, but the closer she got to La Push, the better she’d feel.Right now she needed that. Because she was completely overcome by bitterness, and really lonely.There is only so much cuddling one can do with a body pillow, when you’re used to an actual body laying next to you.That’s what she missed the most. The way Edward held her while she slept.“Damn him”. She growled, as she pressed her foot down harder on the accelerator, begging the engine to push her ancient truck faster than it’s preferred 55 mph.Finally she reached the boundary line, and she relaxed in the truck seat, slowing her pace. She knew that, now, she wouldn’t have to deal with him, or hopefully even think about him for the next few hours.Smiling to herself as she pulled into Jake’s driveway a few minutes later, she realized she was sighing in relief. She always felt safe, here, at home. Though, she could never really explain it.Here she could be Bella. Clumsy, goofy, accident prone, Bella, and nobody treated her like an invalid, nor did they baby her.No, they laughed, and ridiculed her endlessly, and she actually preferred that, to being pitied, or coddled.Cutting the engine, she slid out of the truck and slammed the door shut behind her. Jake wasn’t at home, that was certain. He would have met her outside when he heard the truck pull up, with some smart assed comment, and wickedly bright smile that he always had for her.Walking slowly up to the house, she just figured she could sit on their porch until they got home. If she got too bored, she could head to the beach, but right now, sitting here, was just fine.

As her butt was about to hit the step, she saw someone walking towards her from the garage. Shielding her eyes from the sun, she stood and tried to squint so she could figure out who it was, because she knew it wasn’t Jake. But for some reason, she simply could not pull her eyes away. So, she continued staring, “probably looking like an idiot, no less” she thought and blushed deep red.He finally made his way over to her, and they just stared at one another, for what seemed like eternity. She wanted to break her gaze, but she couldn’t, she wanted to speak, but found no words, finally she closed her eyes, and forced out the words. Shakily.“I… I’m waiting on Jake..umm Jacob.”He walked closer to her, and leaned down, placing his finger gently under her chin, speaking softly, but very clearly.“Please, open your eyes.”Her eyes fluttered open, as if by magic, and she stared into the most strikingly handsome face she had ever seen. Nothing she had ever seen could have readied her for such a reaction to simply looking at him. It was as if she wanted, no, needed to memorize every inch of his face. He stared intently at her, as if he had never seen a girl before, and a smile played at her lips first, then at his.“I’m Seth, you have to be Bells, err Bella.” Even though his skin was a few shades darker than her ghostly pale, she could still see he was blushing.Lowering her eyes, she simply bit her lip and nodded slightly. Still not fully trusting her voice. He removed his finger from under her chin, and motioned for her to sit down. Which she did, thankfully, because she wasn’t sure her legs would support her weight much longer.He took a seat next to her, she slide closer, until they were touching. It was as if she HAD to feel his skin against hers. It was stronger than any urge she had ever felt. Nothing, nobody mattered but him.He sighed, and she glanced at his profile.“Something wrong? I can move..” She managed to ask.“No!” He answered almost before she got the offer out of her mouth.“Jake is gonna KILL me” he said quietly, before wrapping an arm around her waist and moving her as close to him as he could get her.“But it’s not like I could help it” he murmured, shaking his head.

“Wait, did I.. have I.. what did I miss?” she asked him curiously. She hadn’t ever met Seth, but it felt as if she’d known him forever, maybe because Jake had talked so much about him.“I never even thought it would happen to me, but with Jake’s girl?” then he whistled, and continued “We all thought it a fluke, not common. I sure as HELL ain’t common, so I figured I didn’t stand a chance.” He went on, mostly for his own benefit it seemed. So, she let him muse a bit longer, just listening to the sound of his voice. It comforted her, more than she was okay with honestly.“Seth” she breathed against his ear, as quietly as she could, so not to be too intrusive into his thoughts.“Please, tell me what you’re talking about, I have an idea but I need for you to say it, because I’m not sure I can wrap my mind around that just yet.”He smiled a bit broader, and turned slightly to face her, his hold on her still gentle but secure. Then he whispered one word, that sent a shiver up her spine.“Imprinting.” He blushed darker than before, she gasped and her hand went to her mouth. Now it all made sense.The way Jake had described it to her, the way she had heard it told from her best friend’s mouth. But wasn’t that old legend, wives tales, folklore? She shook her head to clear it, and then said to him,“He’s going to kill us both, Seth.” sighing at his name.His reaction was not one she was expecting.“Nobody will touch you,” He growled fiercely “Not even Jake. That I promise you.” With that he grabbed her hand, laced their fingers together and brought it to his mouth, brushing his lips lightly across the back of it. Smiling against her skin.Then she attempted to move away, as she tried to come to her senses.“No, Seth, this can’t, this can’t be. I mean, I’m with Edward, and you .. you are one of Jake’s BEST friends. Oh my god, this can’t happen. We can’t do this to them, I .. I .. oh my god” She got louder with each sentence she spoke, until he cupped her face in his large, hot hands and forced her to look into his eyes.“I won’t let anyone hurt you, Bella. You are my entire soul. You have to understand that. I just want to be YOURS, us to belong to one another, whatever that means.” He kept eye contact, leaned his head closer to hers, licking his lips slowly, gauging her reaction. She didn’t pull away, instead she studied the only thing she could, his mouth, and how badly she yearned for his lips to be against hers. When their lips met it was as if she had been struck by lightning, nothing was this powerful, nothing could ever compare. She just closed her eyes and focused on the way it felt, the way his lips tasted, felt, against hers.Running her tongue across his lower lip, as he placed a hand in her hair,his other hand on the side of her face and neck. He captured her tongue between his teeth gently and massaged it with his, deepening their kiss, they didn’t see Jake pull up, but they sure heard him when he realized what was going on.“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Was all they heard before he phased and lunged at Seth.

-Bella (@edwardsheroin)
Chapter 2:
In that same second, Bella watched as Seth phased right before her eyes and pinned Jacob to the wet ground with his teeth. To anyone else watching, this would look like a scene right out of a hollywood movie, but to Bella, this was everyday life."Stop it now! Jacob! Seth!", she screamed in horror as she watched the two wolves go at each other. Just then out of the corner of her eye, she saw a huge black wolf moving full speed from teh woods towards Jacob and Seth. The black wolf let out a vicious snarl at both wolves. The sandy colored wolf snapped out of it and walked over towards Bella and just sat there as any loving companion would. Seth, still in wolf form, looked at Sam and Jacob,"You guys, i did it. I imprinted on Bella. I...I didn't mean for this to happen Jake, it just did. The moment i looked into her eyes I knew she was the one i was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. She has drawn me in and i will never let go. You and the whole pack can take me down if you'd like but i'm not leaving her. She IS my everything."

Thursday, May 14, 2009


311 was like a dream. forget edward cullen. give me nick hexum.

haha god i'm horrible. i already have a love of my life. but its all good because he looked at the naked pictures of Rihanna. so i don't feel so bad for my long time crush on Hexum.

he's said himself he would totally go for Nick if he was gay.

now i want to go see 311 again.

Friday, May 8, 2009

311 today!!!!!!!!!!


today is 311!!!!!!!! i'm so happy/excited/pee my pants.

i have LOVED this band since i was like 13! never seen him and today i get to today!!! YAYYYY!Y!!!

&& i get to see theory of a deadman today again too! so happy!

today will be a good day...except for me having to wake up at 530 :( had to switch shifts with jobina so i could be off tonight. 7-2 ew.

i'm good though! listening to my reggae/funk radio and i'm relaxin man.

:) tonight will be epic. you better believe i'm going to post pictures.

i mean hello?!?!?!? who wouldn't if you got to see nick hexum in all his beautiful glory. the man is gorgeous.

oh & tyler connoley isn't too bad himself....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I painted a picture

This is what I'm giving my mom for mothers day. Yep. I painted it the other day. Totally freehanded it too. Go me

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

i love this.

gay that renesmee gets jacob.
i want him. he's jailbait though and i'm a loser


the wollllffff ppaaaaccckkkkk!!!!!!! i woke up this morning and saw this. holy hell i must be dreaming. its amazing. i did though picture them more buff but its all good. sexxyyy all up in there. where's jacob :( sad. i am so happy and i cannot wait for new moon. you don't even know.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm On A Boat

This is probably the funniest thing i've ever seen in my life.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sarah Tagged Me :)

8 Things I am looking forward to:

1. Getting my paycheck friday
2. Going to the beach sunday & monday with Jason
3. New Moon the MOVIE :)
4. 311 concert on may 8th.
6. getting my new bathing suit
7. finally being darker than my dad haha
8. living at the beach this summer!!!!!!!!

8 Things I did yesterday:

1. Worked
2. layed out in the lovely sun
3. went to walmart.
4. twitterdddd
5. watched a movie
6. hung out with Jason
7. got in the hot tub
8. took a nap

8 Things I wish I could do:

1. take a trip to Vancouver.
2. meet the whole cast of New Moon
3. go to the beach RIGHT NOW
4. NOT go to work
5. not ever get wrinkles :(
6. move to washington haha
7. be a better friend
8. be a better girlfriend.

8 Shows I watch:

1. that 70s show
2. true blood
3. the hills ( i have no idea why.. ugh)
4. America's Best Dance Crew
5. american idol
6. buffy reruns :)
7. the soup
8. haha a lot of disney shows :)

Monday, April 13, 2009


Note the huge Edward Cullen button behind lexxies booty! Haha Easter was pretty cool.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Just another normal Tuesday

It was just another normal Tuesday. Got up. Got dressed. Went out to my jeep and see this...

A bouquet of roses were waiting for me.... Aww....

Monday, April 6, 2009


Today I made myself a pb&j sammich
I totally didn't mean to do the jelly like that

Saturday, April 4, 2009


bahahahah this is an inside joke between my bestie & i... we were driving back from the beach and she whispers.. Krystalsss... taste the rainbow... and she was like oh wait. Skittles.... haha
This was when i went to New Orleans one weekend in September....a week later... Hurricane Katrina

theres me with my awesome monroe that i had for about 4 days. :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

True Story

Look how effed my one eyebrow is..

When I was younger, I was looking through a hollowed-out monkey bar at my friend and some kid came up behind me and knocked my head into the metal... So thanks little kid. My eyebrow is fucked forever because of you. :)

Just for shits and giggles..



Look at MY turkey!!!!! I WIN!

Hey man, nice tan.

Jason was bored. He said, "hey whit... You care if I get in yalls tanning bed?" I said sure.....

20min later.....


Thursday, April 2, 2009


I'm gonna post all my pics I have of lex on my phone

Badass jeep right?!

Promise ring

This is my promise ring that was given to me by my boyfriend Jason.We've been together for a year and 2 months now. He's my soul mate. & he puts up with my addictions.. Ex: twilight haha.

Scaling Slash

Slash the cat likes to climb high tree branches.

He's amazing

Twilight Makes All Better

Jason had a boo boo

So I get out my handy dandy twilight bandaids

Now with the crest of the cullens securely wrapped around his finger... He's all better!

Twilight saved the day

HAHA Oh, Edward.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Colonial Dixie

It might not look it, but that drink is huge... From the local Colonial Dixie, pronounced kernal dixie. They're home to the dixie dog. Amazing really. I love livin in the south.


I love my baby lexxie. She truely is the sweetest dog. She's always by my side and she makes me feel important.

Old Days

this is an old pic i found. HIGH SCHOOL DAYS!!! ahah we took this at dauphin island at night. Caitlin, Me, & Kat. <3

Nicholas Compton

I Miss Nick Compton. :(

SPARXXX or we.

Did you know that SPARKS makes your tounge a disgusting orange color?! yeah... it was cool.... NOT

First Post!

Yay. i finally got on this thing.

um.. today was boring. it rained and i basically stayed on the computer the whole time. :(